THLady Brynja Valsdottir
Volunteering just got Easier!!
Online Volunteer Registration:
Tell all your friends! Cross-posting is highly encouraged.
Monday-Saturday – Noon-6pm
Last Sunday (unmanned) 8am-11am
Location: 5 points across from Green Dragon
All volunteers who work for official departments during the war will sign a volunteer roster for their hours worked. The department will turn in the rosters each day and hours will be available once entered into the system.
Every 2 hrs earned – Drawing Ticket*
Every 10 hrs earned – Pewter feather token

Pewter Tokens – 10 hours
Every 15 hrs earned – Prize from Above & Beyond Table (stocked daily until prizes are gone)
First 20 hrs earned – Limited edition pewter feather (instead of small pewter feather)
Every 50 hrs worked – Limited Edition Volunteer Point bracelet
Every 100 hrs worked – Volunteer Point Limited gift of the year
*Drawing tickets count for a war point as well as Volunteer Point Drawing on Saturday.
You must collect your 2-part tickets at Volunteer Point. Keep the ticket that says “KEEP” for the drawing. Drop the ticket that says “DROP” in the Volunteer War Point box of your choosing. Boxes are located in Volunteer Point. Boxes are marked with Ansteorra or Trimaris with allies. The box with the most tickets will be awarded a war point.
Double Hours (not valid towards Volunteer Point 50 or 100 hour prizes):
-All Sanitation shifts
-All Parking shifts through Tuesday
-Any Department between 12am-6am
-As determined by Autocrat
-Any front gate or back gate shifts, all war
Friday 6pm – War Point Voucher Deadline. All votes for Volunteer War Point must be cast by deadline.
Saturday 2pm – Volunteers Only Drawing at Bede Hall (Receive your drawing tickets at Volunteer Point for every 2 hrs earned!)
Sunday 11am – All rosters are due to receive monies to SCA groups of choice. Place all rosters in the lock box.
In Service to our Dream,
Mistress Avicia de Loudonia
Volunteer Point Coordinator