Renaissance Village

Renaissance Village Coordinator
Mistress Aibhilin Inghean Daibhidh

Renaissance Village is an immersive period-presence class and demonstration area focused on late period (1300-1600) life from across Europe and Asia. We have a variety of period tents, dedicated period kitchen area, and an enchanted grounds style Solar for classes and activities. Classes include topics ranging from arts such as cooking and gaming to sciences such as fine metalwork and renaissance medical knowledge. We are located behind Artisan’s Row at the corner of Laurel’s Lane and Lacy’s Way. Join us for bocce, cooking, and socializing at the Renaissance Village courtyard daily.

Daily Activities:

Fire Cooking

Ongoing cooking demonstrations and classes begin around 9 a.m. from Monday to Friday (with the exception of Thursday, which begins at Noon). 

Check in each day for the daily dishes and schedule.

All are welcome to drop in any time for hands-on learning about fire cooking and renaissance recipes. In addition to daily ongoing fire cooking, specific classes are available on the schedule.


The Bocce court is available any day for open play. 

Hosted open play and lessons are available with our Bocce teacher Monday and Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Thursday from Noon to 3 p.m.

The Interkingdom Bocce tournament is Wednesday from 10 a.m. to Noon (talk to your local Kingdom royalty to participate)

The Open Bocce tournament is Friday from 10 a.m. to Noon (all are welcome!).

Ca’ d’Oro Italian Salon

Monday to Friday 2 – 4 p.m.

Bring your hand crafts and join us for an afternoon in our enchanted ground style Solar with light refreshments. Leave the mundane world behind and discuss your crafts, the war, the food, or just enjoy the ambiance.

Instrumental musicians are welcome to take a turn in our performance space. Chairs and music stands provided. Sign up for a slot ahead of time or drop by and take a turn.

Special Activities: 

Tuesday Tea Time

A special Salon and tea time on Tuesday from 2 – 4 p.m. at our enchanted ground style Solar features a class on the History of Tea with lots of samples. Bring your mug and enjoy!

Authentic 16th Century Indian Kitchen

Join us Thursday starting at 11:30 a.m. for a class on how to set up an authentic period Indian kitchen, followed by an all afternoon demonstration of period Indian food cooked with the authentic setup.

Far East Friday

Take a culinary tour of the Far East on Friday, with special classes and demos featuring a range of cuisine from Mongolian to Chinese. We’ll also be making Mochi! View the board on Thursday afternoon or Friday morning for exact times.