Main Schedule

Are you member of a group looking to have something placed on the Main Schedule. Know someone that is getting Elevated? Party’s/Elevations/Get Togethers? Want to invite as many people as possible?

Gulf Wars Main Schedule 2025

Once the final print version is approved it will be posted.

The online version will be continuously added to as we approach GulfWars.

Updates to the schedule will NOT be announced. You will need to come and check the version number to ensure that you have the current Schedule.

Taking a page or two from A&S, I have converted the Online Main Schedule to a Living Schedule. You will be able to View the schedule all you like, but you will NOT be able to change anything.

Live Schedule

Click the the small down arrow next to the agenda button to select which area/event calendars to show. You may need to turn your device sideways to access the calendar select button. Click the plus button at the bottom to add our calendar to your own Google Calendar.

Note: Events may be updated as circumstances change. As new events are scheduled, they may show up as placeholders with no event information, just a location. Also, some events may appear multiple times, since they may be on more than one calendar.