
Equestrian Steward: Mistress Maria de Santa Olalla
EqMIC: Lancer Rose de la Cumbre
Activities/Class Coordinator: Lady Theresia Thoma
Stall Reservations: Mistress Lora Greymare
Royal Processional Coordinator: Baroness Katja Borsukska


Horse Registration
All Horses MUST be registered with the Deputy in charge of barn management by Feb. 25, 2025. If you are not pre-reserved, you will not be allowed onsite with your horse, no exceptions! Also, all early on equestrians and their riders need to send the EMIC your/their names for the early on list. The deadline this year is Feb. 25, 2025.

Stall Registration and Equestrian Camping Link

Troll and Check-in
All rigs can proceed directly to the barns. Turn your horses out to stretch, set up your stalls, then return to Troll. Give the barn manager a call 30 minutes ahead of arrival so we can clear a pen for your horses to stretch, meet you at the gate and clear a path. Email Maria at imgeeslin@gmail.com for phone number.

If you come in while Troll is closed, make sure you go to Troll first thing the next morning.

Please verify what travel documents you may need to travel to and from the war. Keep your original Coggins report in a safe place; MS Ag can stop anyone at any time and ask to see your papers. MS does not require the SCA to collect a copy so no need to give us one. (Be kind to your fellow horse people and worm and vax your horses at least two weeks before arrival. We can’t make this a requirement, but it would be nice if it was done.)

For horse owners whose Kingdoms have an equestrian authorization program, please show your authorization card to the EMIC, Deputy EMIC or a designated marshal.

There will be no original Equestrian Authorizations at War with the following exception; If your Kingdom has authorization marshal(s) in attendance and they agree to do one for you or if your Kingdom’s KEO agrees to allow other kingdom’s marshals, you may make plans with them if they are agreeable, and use the arenas for the authorizations when they are not scheduled for use. This is not scheduled through the EqMIC.

Equestrian Activities
There will be plenty of opportunities at Gulf Wars to celebrate the equestrian arts for those who love to horse around. Please see the Equestrian Schedule for detailed times and locations and come check out what the equestrians are doing!

We love Spectators and Volunteers! We encourage you to come visit us and cheer on your favorite rider in one of our many tournaments!

If you would like to be a bit more hands-on, please join one of the many classes being taught, or volunteer to assist in setting up the equipment and arena for an activity or three. Helping to set up and take down is always greatly appreciated! Horse-savvy folks are always welcome to help as ground crew and will earn you much gratitude from the Equestrian Marshal in Charge. And remember, such service is also eligible for Volunteer Points!

Rules of the Barn

§  Gulf carts must drive slowly through EQ area

§  Minors should be always under adult supervision while in the Equestrian area.

§  Minors are required to use riding helmets when riding.

§  Please do not feed or touch any of the horses without permission from the owner.

§  A red tassel on a horse indicates that the horse may bite or kick. Do not approach this horse.

§  Do not run, jump, yell, throw things, or make sudden movements around horses. Do not run up to them, do not walk behind them. If you are wearing clanky armor, approach slowly, and with the rider’s permission.

§  The barn closes at sunset to everyone except horse owners.

§  Please, no loud parties or drumming in the Equestrian area after 10:30 pm.

There is camping and horse trailer parking available exclusively for equestrians and those who are part of an equestrian group, coordinated by Mistress Lora Greymare. Camping across from the barn will be coordinated by Maria.

Across from the barn is reserved mainly for Staff. The Trailer Park/EQ camping area is East of the Barns and is reserved for overflow corrals, trailer/truck parking, and equestrian camping.

Equestrian Rules / Mounted Patrol / Riding the Site / etc.
As Gulf Wars is a multi-Kingdom war, we will follow the SCA Corporate Equestrian Handbook. There are some specific rules for mounted patrol, riding the site, and other equestrian activities away from the Equestrian area. These are detailed in the Gulf War Equestrian Operating Procedures.

Pony Rides!

We  may have pony rides if our schedule permits and we have ponies that are able to do them! for any minor to be able to have a ride, they MUST have close-toed shoes on, be able to wear a riding helmet (to be provided), be able to follow instructions, and they MUST have a parent or legal guardian in attendance. No exceptions. Thank you for understanding!