A&S Competitions Coordinator
Mistress Thorkatla Herjolfsdottir
Entrants must register. To do so, first create a user profile (you can see the complete form at the bottom of this page). Next, you must register your project (you can see the complete form at the bottom of this page.
Gulf Wars A&S War Point Competition
Principal Kingdoms
- Entries (5 per principal kingdom)
- Judges (10 from each kingdom)
Non-Principal Kingdoms
- Entries (1 entry per kingdom)
- Judges (if possible)
Each entry will have 2-3 judges, all from outside of their kingdom. Scores will be an average of all scores awarded to an entry by judges. This may be an average of two, three, or, occasionally, four scores.
Group Champions:
Group 1: Ansteorra
Group 2: Gleann Abhann
Group 3: Meridies
Group 4: Trimaris
Group 5: Known World (all non-principal Kingdoms)
The entry with the highest average score per group will be named Group Champion and advance to the final round. Each group champion receives a prize.
Grand Champion
The 5 Group Champion entries will each be assigned a host to explain the piece or answer questions during the final round. The Royals of the Known World will select the Grand Champion from the five Group Champions. The Grand Champion receives a prize.
Gulf Wars A&S Open Competition
Anyone may enter the Open.
Both new items and entries that have been previously entered in faires other than the Open are welcome.
Documentation may be minimal or extensive.
Static entries are allowed up to three feet of table space.
There are no categories for entries.
Winners are chosen by bead vote in the following seven categories, with a prize for the winner of each category. These are:
· Laurels of Gleann Abhann
· Laurels of Meridies
· Laurels of Ansteorra
· Laurels of Trimaris
· Order of the Silver Lamp (A&S – Gleann Abhann)
· Order of the Velvet Owl (A&S – Meridies)
· Populace
Any individual or group may also sponsor a prize for the entry of their choice.
User profile creation
Project Registration