Chain of Command and Appeal

1. the Board of Directors

2. the Society Marshal

3. the Society Deputy for the discipline

4. the Kingdom Earl Marshal*** (For GW it is the GA KEM)

5. the Kingdom Deputy for the discipline (GA Kingdom Deputy)

6. the marshal-in-charge of the event***

7. Marshal’s Court comprised of the Earl Marshals of Ansteorra, Gleann Abhann, Meridies, and Trimaris

8. the marshal-in-charge of the discipline for the event (e.g. the Rapier Marshal in Charge)

9. the marshal-in-charge of the activity for the day or scenario (e.g. the presiding marshal of

the Battle or Tournament)

10. a warranted marshal on the field

*** For roles that include multi-discipline responsibility and accountability (e.g. marshal-in-charge of the event, Kingdom Earl Marshal, Society Marshal): (a) If they are not a marshal of that discipline, they should consult a marshal that is. They can support the discipline marshal’s recommendation, or, if they disagree with them, document the reason. (b) They should verify and document whether the correct procedures have been followed to manage the issue, that the appropriate discipline marshals were involved and actions are justified, and direct any further appeal (if applicable) to the next person in the chain of command.

A warranted marshal of that discipline is required for decisions on armor, weapons, equipment, and conventions for that discipline, including rules of engagement, use of weapons and equipment, acknowledgement of blows, and expected behavior; and authorizations for that discipline. Marshal’s

Courts may be used to review both the decisions of marshals and the actions of martial activity participants to determine if infractions of the Rules of the Lists and the Conventions of Combat have occurred, and to impose sanctions as needed. The Presiding Marshal of a particular martial activity or an affected individual may request that a Marshal’s Court be convened to examine the issues and determine what actions (if any) should be taken. The decision of the Marshal’s Court supersedes the decision of the lower marshallate authority (if different) according to the “Chain of Command and Appeal” given.