Al-Mahala Coordinator
Mistress Tirza bithe Reaboughes
Join us as a teacher. Sign up using this form.
Salaam Aleikum!
Al-Mahala is a great place to learn and teach all kinds of things about different cultures. We offer classes in cuisine, music, dance, garb, arts, and sciences of not only The Levant, the Arabian Peninsula and Persia, but also China, Japan, India, Andalusia; Ottoman, and Silk Road regions as well.
Al-Mahala is a great place to learn and teach all kinds of things about cultures along the Silk Road (and North Africa, and many other places). From boot-making to dance to poetry, the range of possibilities is vast. We need your help to build the class schedule, though! If you taught last year, please consider teaching again. Please submit it via the main Gulf Wars class submission form and indicate Al Mahala as the area in which you wish to teach the class.
You can also join us on our Facebook Group for up to date information on al Mahala classes, camping, and events!